Sorry about Sunday and Saturday's slow updates. The server has been having problems lately. Also, in case you were curious about what I mean for the whole Deep Blue thing, I just want to state now how it works. The names on the comics will stay the way they are for a few more comics, but once I reach where I want to, the comics will be arranged into one comic Collection (Like HSH did) and then DEEP BLUE will be the offical tag for every subsequent comic. Like I said, It's still the same comics and they will still have their names inside the comic itself, just now the link tags will read "Deep Blue #X" instead of the comic's name. It's easier for me that way, because I don't feel like I'm writing 3 comics at once. That's all I wanted to say. Stay tuned and enjoy!
Sorry, no banner. This was a little rushed. You understand.
See? I told I was coming back! Yeah we got some new hotness coming with this return, so keep your Scene-worshipping eyes peeled! I got a few surprises that will be explained in the next comic, as well as the beginning (Or rather 2nd beginning) of the comic recreation project! Yes indeed, I am now going back and remaking all of the comics that sucked from my early dies of spriting- or lack there of. Don't worry, it's the same jokes, just now you can actually look at the comics without puking your brains out. I'm sure they'll be more goodies coming soon as well (There may have been a few already, I just forgot them) so don't think the rollercoaster of awesome is done yet. Anyway, um, stay tuned for the next update, and as always, enjoy!
I'm sure anyone paying attention lately has noticed a lack of quality on the site recently (Lack of updates, no comics, etc.) this is due to a few reasons right now. One, is semester finals. I need to make grades. I also STILL don't have the graphics program I want. That combined with a play, some family and friend problems, and a few distractions of my own have pulled me away from doing this. So because of these reasons, I have decided to take a short break from making Scene Man! for now. Why, you ask? Because I am unsatisfied with how my last few comics turned out, and I feel like this is becoming more of an obligation and a job than fun. It has been like that before, and I pushed through it, but I do not enjoy forcing my self to keep a schedule for a hobby. So for now at least, the comic will be suspended. I promise the comic will continue sometime later though (There's still a few comics waiting in the wings, and I need to at least finish this storyline and make it to 200 comics.) and it will be just as good as ever. So take this time to go and explore a few other sprite and webcomics, or maybe even make your own. In fact, I dare you to make your own. See how much it will consume you (And not in a bad way either). If nothing else, you'll feel like you're doing something with your life. And that is always a nice feeling.
Anyway, thank you for viewing so far, and stay tuned for the next update in the future. Have a nice day. (Also, no picture today. It's poetic, or something.)
Whew! It's been awhile. Miss me? Ha, I hope not. Well I finally have the comic where I want it to be. I have enough comics ahead of the story to fall back on, I have my subcomics caught up as well, I have a clear vision of where the storyline is going, and I have a new motivation to be doing this again. Cool stuff. But I don't want to feel overwhelmed again, so I am going to be running under a new system from now on. Scene Man! will be running monday through saturday, with a filler comic in Deep Blue or HighSchool Hell on Sunday. That way, everyone gets what they want! This will be effective as of todays update. You'll also notice a few more changes to the site with enough looking and snooping. I have done all of this for the convenience of the reader. I hope you all enjoy the comic so far, and I hope you enjoy where it's going. Stay tuned for the next update, and enjoy!
Happy Holidays! I gave you guys a new Monk and From M to N to enjoy, as you know. I gave you these because I may not update the subcomics for awhile this is mostly due to a couple reasons. For one, I am behind in the main comic, so I need to take a break from the subcomics (as much as I enjoy making them) to get caught up on the main comic. Also, my PSP trial is almost up, so I need to acquire the actual thingsometime soon, or I won't be able to make a few comics due to the effects I want in them. Also, I want to do this to draw a little more attention to the main comic. I originally did the subcomics as a means of giving people a little extra something to enjoy between updates. But now people are actually referring to my comic as HighSchool Hell isntead of Scene Man, and people want regular updates for EVERYTHING. Well it's not happening. I'm glad you all enjoy it so much, but I like Scene Man, and thats my top priority. I am the one making the comics, so my wants overrule yours. Don't like it? Make your own fucking comic, then. So stay tuned for the next update, and enjoy!
Yep, we deliver, as promised. We have for you now, 2 NEW SUBCOMICS to read and enjoy! These two as well as the ever popular and awesome HighSchool Hell have been added to a page simply titled, the SubComic page. Read what you got, and enjoy!
P.S.: New HSH soon!
Ya-freakin-hoo! 100 freakin' comics! Just 100 more to go, and uh, um, I'll...have...200, I guess. Here's a small list of updates that come with this momentous event:
There will also be various visual changes to the site over a small duration of the time, so watch out for those, too. I believe that should sate your thirst for new stuff from the Scene Man! headquarters! The comic is really going to pick up from here on out, so be prepared for some wacky stuff. Until next time, enjoy!
Has it really been this long? Wow. Um, I suppose I should provide a reason or two as to why I haven't got anything done lately. One, alot of stuff I have been working on won't be showing up until after the 100th comic special (which is in a few comics, by the way), and the last two weeks were spent doing, and subsequentially recovering from the Haunted House. The last reason is I have been waiting for something pertaining to the new HSH development, which will be coming soon, I promise. But for now, here's an update, complete withy a new HSH to tide you over until the flood comes in. Stay tuned and enjoy!
STRESS! I have been working hard for you guys! There's been little update because I've beenbusy making the 100th COMIC and everything it entails! And trust me, there is ENTAILS! But to tide you over until then (until then, being a good 35-40 comics away; but there's plenty of action and new stuff along the way!), Here is a news update and a couple of new HIGHSCHOOL HELLS!
...And speaking of such a devil, the whole HSH new developments thing could be coming on VERY soon! So stay tuned and enjoy!
WHOO! We're SO not dead! And I come with updates! The Haunted House has been keeping me busy, so sorry for the lack of said updates. But I bring this, an updated About Section, 3 NEW HIGHSCHOOL HELLS, and an updated banner on the top of the page! Rejoice, all! REJOICE!
Oh, one more thing. I recently acquired a 128mb pen-drive! now my comic can go with me places! It won't really mean a change in schedule or whatever, I just wanted to announce it because it's so freaking COOL! Ok, thats it. See ya next time, and enjoy!
Hey y’all. It’s been kind of slow lately. I have been busy with school and what-not, so that and a lack of material or purpose has caused little reason to update recently. But trust me, new things are on the horizon. So to tide you over, I have given you this news update, complete with yet another wacky 8-bit banner, TWO NEW HIGHSCHOOL HELL’S, and, of course, the day’s comic. So read, stay tuned, and enjoy!
P.S.: Any readers who attend or live close to Lynnwood High School in Washington state should make a point to attend our haunted house this year. I don’t have the exact details yet, but I DO know that I am acting in it. That should be enough for everybody. I will update this later though with the details when I get them though. Chao!
Yes, the NEW news page is here. Which means (sadly) the old one is gone forever (like you care). But if you missed anything, don't fret! Here is allthe updates on the old page, in a nutshell(oldest to newest):
So that's it. With today's update, I bring the 3rd installment of HighSchool Hell (which might have some exciting new developments for it in the future. Stay tuned!), the fixed link colors, and of course, the NEW News page! So as always, stay tuned for the next news update, and enjoy!
Wanna advertise Scene Man! on your website? Want the power of this God-like banner?
Then simply Email Me, and I will hook you up with the grand Pubah of banners! OH YES I WILL! Ahem. Out.